R&R 360 – Restoration & Remediation Homeowners Report

Download the R&R 360 Homeowners Report to understand homeowner perspectives, improve your service offerings, and stay ahead of market trends in restoration and remediation.

Why Download this Report?

  • The R&R 360 Homeowners Report offers an in-depth exploration of homeowner perspectives on restoration and remediation services. This report is essential for industry professionals who aim to stay ahead of market trends and meet evolving customer needs. By downloading this report, you'll gain comprehensive insights into homeowner expectations and experiences, data-driven analysis to enhance your service offerings, strategic guidance to improve customer satisfaction and service delivery, and a competitive edge by aligning your services with current homeowner demands.

Who Should Read this Report?

  • Restoration and remediation service providers looking to refine their service offerings.

  • Industry consultants and advisors seeking data-backed insights.

  • Business development and marketing professionals aiming to understand customer expectations.

  • Product managers and developers designing services for the restoration and remediation sector.

  • Any professional involved in homeowner services who wants to stay informed on industry trends and customer preferences.

Study Objectives

  • Explore the key expectations of homeowners in need of restoration and remediation services.

  • Provide actionable insights to help industry professionals tailor their offerings to better meet customer needs.

  • Identify trends and emerging demands within the homeowner market.

  • Enhance the overall understanding of homeowner satisfaction and service improvement opportunities.

  • Gather information from homeowners that can better equip cleaning & restoration/remediation contractors, including:

  • - Important attributes in the company/contractor selection decision

  • - Pricing and financing expectations

  • - Insight into the purchase process

  • Gauge contractor thoughts on the topics above to compare and contrast with homeowner expectations.


  • Professionals: Online surveys completed by active, qualified subscribers to the print, digital, and/or eNewsletter of Restoration & Remediation and members of myCLEARopinion Panel. These respondents belong to restoration/remediation contracting firms or are indoor environmental professionals.

  • Data was collected February 2 – 11, 2024

  • Homeowners: Online surveys completed by active, qualified members of myCLEARopinoin Panel with members who are involved in decisions surrounding restoration & remediation at their residence.

  • Data was collected February 2 – 6, 2024

  • This report also was published in 2022, 2019, and 2018. If you have questions or wish to purchase past published reports, please contact us using our contact us form at: https://www.myclearopinioninsightshub.com/contact

Data Analysis

  • We use SPSS, a statistical software package, to tabulate all closed-ended numerical data, while open-ended questions are either summarized, coded, or included as written by respondents. Data is presented in graphic and tabular formats, detailing the number of respondents for each question. Sample sizes may vary throughout the report due to skip logic, data cleaning, or missing responses, and some totals may not equal 100% due to rounding. Key metrics include the mean (arithmetic average) and median (middle value of responses). Net values, such as top 2 box scores, may not match individual percentages due to rounding. Sample sizes are indicated as 'n=xx,' with sizes of 30 or more considered statistically reliable, while those below 15 are interpreted directionally. Statistical significance is highlighted at a 90% confidence level, showing results that are likely not due to chance. Significant differences between response options are clearly indicated in the report.

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