Industry Pulse: Navigating Today's Business Landscape

Download the 2024 Q2 Industry Pulse Report for comprehensive knowledge on how economic concerns, industry trends, and current events are influencing business operations, staffing, investment, and marketing strategies across various sectors, helping you stay informed and competitive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Why Download this Report?

  • The Industry Pulse Report is your go-to resource for staying informed about the factors shaping business operations across various industries. Conducted quarterly, this report is based on insights gathered from a diverse group of professionals who share their experiences and perspectives on critical areas such as planning, staffing, investing, and marketing. Led by the research experts at myCLEARopinion Insights Hub, a division of BNP Media, this report offers timely and relevant data that reflects the current state of the market. By downloading this report, you'll gain valuable knowledge on how economic concerns, industry trends, and current events are influencing business decisions. Utilize these insights to stay well-informed in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Who Should Read this Report?

  • Anyone Interested in Gaining a Pulse on Today's Industry: Whether you're directly involved in a specific sector or simply looking to stay informed, this report provides a comprehensive overview of the current business environment.

  • Vice Presidents, Directors, and Managers: Involved in Planning, Operations, Sales, Marketing, and Business Development, who need to stay ahead of industry trends and understand economic influences on their business.

  • Human Resources Professionals: Seeking to navigate staffing challenges and set priorities within their organizations.

  • Financial Analysts and Planners: Looking for insights into investment trends and the economic impact on business operations.

  • Marketing and Sales Teams: Aiming to craft data-driven strategies that respond to current industry challenges and opportunities.

  • Business Consultants and Advisors: Offering strategic planning and risk management advice to clients.

  • Industry Analysts and Researchers: Focused on the latest trends and data affecting business operations across multiple sectors.

Study Objectives

  • Examine key industry concerns regarding the current economic landscape and its impact on business operations.

  • Analyze the influence of current events on various industries and their operations.

  • Explore actions taken by companies to prioritize employees, customers, and other key stakeholders.

  • Understand how industry leaders are navigating current business activities and planning for future challenges and opportunities.


  • The data for this report was collected through online surveys completed by active, qualified members of myCLEARopinion across various industries. These respondents were selected based on their roles, influence, and knowledge of business operations, planning, staffing, investing, and marketing within their respective companies. Data was collected June 20 – June 28, 2024.

  • This report includes trended data from Q1 and is published quarterly to ensure the insights are current and relevant. For questions or to access past published reports, please contact us using our contact form at:

Data Analysis

  • We use SPSS, a statistical software package, to tabulate all closed-ended numerical data, while open-ended questions are either summarized, coded, or included as written by respondents. Data is presented in graphic and tabular formats, detailing the number of respondents for each question. Sample sizes may vary throughout the report due to skip logic, data cleaning, or missing responses, and some totals may not equal 100% due to rounding. Key metrics include the mean (arithmetic average) and median (middle value of responses). Net values, such as top 2 box scores, may not match individual percentages due to rounding. Sample sizes are indicated as “n=xx,” with sizes of 30 or more considered statistically reliable, while those below 15 are interpreted directionally. Statistical significance is highlighted at a 95% confidence level, showing results that are likely not due to chance. Significant differences between response options are clearly indicated in the report.
