When Did We Stop Caring About Our Respondents?

When Did We Stop Caring About Our Respondents?

The mistreatment of survey participants in Market Research

by Ariane Claire, Panel & Research Director, myCLEARopinion Insights Hub

In market research, survey respondents play a crucial role as the backbone of data collection. They are the individuals who contribute their time and insights to provide valuable information that steer business decisions. Yet, despite their pivotal role in research, survey respondents are often overlooked, distrusted, and undervalued by companies that rely on their input.

Survey length poses a significant hurdle, with many respondents contending with unnecessarily lengthy and repetitive questionnaires. This leads to respondent fatigue and frustration and increases the likelihood of incomplete or inaccurate responses, ultimately undermining the quality of the collected data. Repetitive questioning is often used as a “trap” to ensure respondents pay attention, but this approach can create poor data rather than catch errors.

The screening process of most surveys also creates a host of issues. Not only are the screeners too lengthy, but some companies allow non-screening questions to be asked within the screening section. This enables clients to receive usable data from respondents who did not qualify for the survey without compensating them. This practice conveys only one message to respondents – they have value, but we do not value them.

The incentives offered to respondents for participation need to be improved. They fail to reflect the value of their time and insights, and respondents should be fairly compensated for their efforts in an era where time and experience are precious commodities. This lack of meaningful compensation diminishes motivation to participate and contributes to increased panel attrition and declining response rates and data quality.

While survey sample fraud detection tools have proven mostly effective in verifying the authenticity of consumer respondents, their ability to accurately confirm B2B respondents remains a significant challenge. Unlike consumer demographics, which can often be validated through publicly available data and behavioral patterns, B2B respondents typically belong to niche industries or hold specialized job roles, making them harder to authenticate. Moreover, B2B respondents may be less inclined to share personal or company information or leading to fewer data points for validation. As a result, existing fraud detection tools, which rely heavily on consumer-centric metrics and behaviors, struggle to provide the same level of assurance for B2B respondents and yet are continually used in B2B research.

The question arises: when did we stop caring about our respondents? The neglect of survey participants in market research is a symptom of a broader issue—a failure to prioritize the human element in data collection. In our pursuit of data-driven insights and revenue, often by providing clients with more completes for less money, we lost sight of the individuals behind the responses. Respecting respondents' time, offering fair incentives, and fostering a culture of trust and appreciation are not just ethical imperatives but also essential components of practical and ethical market research practices.

Disregarding survey respondents in market research is a troubling trend that demands attention and immediate action. Despite many companies being vocal about this issue, they persist in employing these harmful practices, even after widespread acknowledgment that such practices must end. As researchers, sample companies, and businesses, we must commit to treating respondents with the respect, fairness, and appreciation they deserve—something we would demand for ourselves. It is crucial to advocate for our respondents and uphold these standards in data collection.

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