Solutions: Asynchronous and Synchronous Market Research

Asynchronous research, one of the many of the trends that the Internet has introduced over the past 20 years, has accelerated under the global pandemic. Many B2B clients have become more comfortable using asynchronous tools. We thought reviewing the fundamentals might be a good idea.

Synchronous market research solutions focus on “real-time.” These data collection methods are done either face-to-face or over the phone. Before the internet, people were generally more open and able to participate in synchronous market research events. Recruiting for them was easier as people were generally more willing to set aside a portion of their day to participate in real-time to questions and conversations.

Asynchronous market research solutions are data collection techniques that allow respondents to respond at a time and place of their choosing. Asynchronous tools include online surveys, video capture feedback, and “bulletin board” type chat boards, among several solutions available. People have become increasingly adept and comfortable with these data collection methods. Recent trends indicate that respondents prefer this type of interaction and feedback more and more. Not only do we see this in market research, but in everyday communications - people tend to prefer text messaging apps over one-on-one phone calls, even with close friends and relatives.

The trend towards asynchronous solutions was powerful pre-pandemic, and during and after the pandemic, this trend only grew stronger. People, by far, prefer to give feedback at a time and place that is convenient to them. They like to have the time to think about questions, provide thoughtful feedback, and, as shown in B2B research, have the ability to respond at a time when they are not working. The tools for capturing text, audio, and video from respondents have improved dramatically over the past several years. Using asynchronous market research methodologies also makes recruiting far more accessible. A wider net can be cast, and more professionals can make the time to participate and not risk missing or losing work.

As you consider your next B2B market research insights project, consider using asynchronous tools. Asynchronous tools will improve your number of respondents, provide higher quality feedback, and provide a higher quality experience for your customers and respondents.